This is a text-only version of the following page on --- Title : Build a FreeBSD 10.0-release Openstack Image with bsd-cloudinit Author : Remy van Elst Date : 11-06-2014 URL : Format : Markdown/HTML --- We are going to prepare a FreeBSD image for Openstack deployment. We do this by creating a FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE instance, installing it and converting it using [bsd-cloudinit][1]. We'll use the [CloudVPS][2] public Openstack cloud for this. Create an account there and install the Openstack command line tools, like `nova`, `cinder` and `glance`. This tutorial is more a collection of notes than what you are used of me, it has less explanation and such, just right on steps to get started. You can see all my [Openstack related articles here][3]. For example, how to use [Duplicity to create Encrypted backups to the Openstack Swift Object Store][4]

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This tutorial is available for: * [FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE.][6] * [FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE.][7] * [FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE.][8] * [FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE.][9] Set the correct environment variables: export OS_AUTH_URL="" export OS_TENANT_NAME="" export OS_USERNAME="" export OS_PASSWORD="" export OS_TENANT_ID="" Start by downloading the 10.0-RELEASE iso: wget Upload it to Openstack: glance image-create --file Downloads/FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso --name "FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso" --disk-format iso --container-format bare --progress Create the root volume for our FreeBSD preparation install: cinder create --display-name "freebsd-10-root" 8 Boot a new instance from the ISO, attaching the volume we just created ad well: nova boot --image --flavor "Standard 1" --availability-zone NL1 --nic net-id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --block-device-mapping hdb=:::0 FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE-install Do a standard install of FreeBSD 10: * default keymap * hostname: * Just lib32 and ports, no doc, games or src * Partition Layout: * ada0 GPT * ada0p1 64kb freebsd-boot * ada0p2 512MB freebsd-swap * ada0p3 7GB freebsd-root mountpoint / * Root password P@ssw0rd * Network: * adapter: vtnet0 * ipv4: dhcp * ipv6: slaac * search: * UTC: no, timezone 8 EUROPE 34 NETHERLANDS * Services at boot: sshd, ntpd, moused, dumpd * Extra user: * Username: freebsd * Full name: freebsd * uid: default * Login group: default * Other groups: wheel * Login class: default * Shell: tcsh * Home: default * Home permissions: default * Password auth: yes * Empty password: no * Random password: no * Password: P@ssw0rd * Lock out: no * OK: yes * Another user: no * Exit After install, edit `/etc/fstab`, changing `ada0` to `vtbd0`. This is for VirtIO support. Shut the instance from FreeBSD using `shutdown -p now` and after that via nova: nova stop Detach the volume: nova volume-detach Boot a new instance with the installed freebsd volume as the root volume: nova boot --block-device source=volume,id=,dest=volume,shutdown=preserve,bootindex=0 --flavor "Standard 1" --availability-zone NL1 --nic net-id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE-configure If you get a mountroot error, enter the following: ufs:/dev/vtbd0p3. Change `/etc/fstab` after the fact, change `ada0` to `vtbd0` for VirtIO support. Set the default route: route add default `ifconfig vtnet0 | grep "inet " | cut -d" " -f 2 | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2"."$3".1" }'` Also put it in `/etc/rc.local` to make sure it works on bootup. Bootstrap pkg: pkg Enter y. Install vim and py27-setuptools (for bsd-cloudinit): pkg install vim-lite py27-setuptools Add your SSH key: mkdir /root/.ssh chmod 700 /root/.ssh echo "ssh-rsa AAAA[...]" > /root/.ssh/authorized_keys chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys Install python modules for bsd-cloudinit: rehash easy_install eventlet easy_install iso8601 Add the following to `/boot/loader.conf` to make sure the console works: console="comconsole,vidconsole" autoboot_delay="5" Now do any other customizations you want to have in your image. Do the bsd-cloudinit install: fetch --no-verify-peer chmod +x ./ set history = 0 history -c Turn the machine off: shutdown -p now Terminate the machine, otherwise you cannot detach the volume (ERROR: Can't detach root device volume (HTTP 403)): nova delete FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE-cloudinit This might take a while. Set the min-disk and min-ram requirements, plus some more properties for the image: glance image-update --min-disk 8 --min-ram 1024 --property architecture=x86_64 --property image_supports_keypair=true --property image_supports_password=true --property supported=false If needed, make it public: glance --name "UNSUPPORTED: FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE" --is-public True That's it. You are done and have a good workable freebsd image. Boot a new instance from your newly created image: nova boot --image --flavor "Standard 4" --availability-zone NL1 --nic net-id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --key-name FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE-cloudinit When the instance has spawned you can login as the freebsd user, freebsd@ipaddress. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]: --- License: All the text on this website is free as in freedom unless stated otherwise. This means you can use it in any way you want, you can copy it, change it the way you like and republish it, as long as you release the (modified) content under the same license to give others the same freedoms you've got and place my name and a link to this site with the article as source. This site uses Google Analytics for statistics and Google Adwords for advertisements. You are tracked and Google knows everything about you. Use an adblocker like ublock-origin if you don't want it. All the code on this website is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 license unless already licensed under a license which does not allows this form of licensing or if another license is stated on that page / in that software: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Just to be clear, the information on this website is for meant for educational purposes and you use it at your own risk. I do not take responsibility if you screw something up. Use common sense, do not 'rm -rf /' as root for example. If you have any questions then do not hesitate to contact me. See for details.